"Everything starts with a drink at the retro atmosphere of the now famous Cafè Marinetti, a relaxing aperitif where the notes of the piano accompany heady bubbles.
You could continue with a Gourmet experience in the prestigious " I Carracci restaurant " one of the most elegant in the city for its warm and intimate atmosphere, housed in a magnificent hall of the '500, whose ceiling is entirely dedicated to the wonderful frescoes of the school of the Carracci brothers, or in the original “Morandi wine cellar " a five-star luxury wine cellar to test the new menu created specifically to enhance the traditions of the cuisine. All places strictly open to the public for lunch and dinner.
The Grand Hotel Majestic “già Baglioni” (via dell’Indipendenza, 8) and I Carracci Restaurant (via Manzoni, 2) offer guaranteed disabled access thanks to an innovative portable stair lift.